The project ITOIP (Tactile Interaction for Guidance, Information and Presence) aims at developing a touchscreen interface which is easy to carry.
The project ITOIP (Tactile Interaction for Guidance, Information and Presence) aims at developing a touchscreen interface which is easy to carry. Its target is to help blind people or those with visual disabilities to access digital content. The technology used is called TACTOS and it offers several possibilities, in particular, INTERTACT is a site specially designed to be used for interaction with TACTOS.
This part of the project aims to make maps available for people with visual impairments. Each map should enables people to consult easily, which is the interest to implement it on a smartphone.
Equipped with technology TACTOS, a phone allows the exploration of the GUI using your sense of touch. The device takes the role of the mouse or touchpad to navigate. It also adds a feedback tactile.
The principle of this part of the project is to allow the sharing information among users especially tactile sensations. This enables people to manifest his presence to others.