HAPTICS 2012 – Transatlantic Tactile Interaction
by ITOIP Team
On the occasion of HAPTICS 2012, Intertact.net has been presented. Attendants have been able to try Intertact.net and the Tactos technology. This was also an opportunity for us to renew the experiment of transatlantic tactile interaction between the demo stand visitors at Vancouver and the team stayed in France. Contact has been successful and we hope the particpants have enjoyed trying our system.
Deschamps, L., Le Bihan, G., Lenay, C., Rovira, K., Stewart, J. & Aubert, D. (2012), Interpersonal recognition through mediated tactile interaction, Proceedings of IEEE Haptics Symposium 2012, March 4-7, 2012, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp. 239-245